Shamanic GriefWork Program
Using spiritual techniques including shamanic journeying, rituals, ceremony and sharing, this griefwork program is designed to help participants move through the grieving process with intention and awareness. Working together at a weekend retreat or short sessions over several week, we create a circle of safety and openness in which participants can explore the deeper meanings within their losses and seek spiritual assistance as they heal. The program is for anyone who has experienced a deep loss such as:
From Participants:
"As a recently widowed
woman, I was lost, broken
and heartsick. The work I
did in your grief workshop
provided me with a place
where others shared these
same experiences and
emotions, skills I could use
to uncover and release
the deepest of these secret
wounds, and direction and guidance from loved ones lost and new guides. Thank you, Julie." ~~ Joan
"I I think this might be the most valuable workshop I’ve ever taken, and I’ve taken many, many over the past 6 years since the breast cancer.... I think journeying is fascinating and it seems to go to a level I don’t usually experience…that’s one part. The major part is what happens after journeying…the sharing, the discussion, the light bulb moments" Diane
*When I joined the Grief Group Circle, my husband had been dead for a little over a year. During that time I was functioning day-to-day but was always tired and had no real interest in living.Working with four other people through the process Julie facilitated gave me back my life. As a direct result of one of the exercises, I experienced a significant breakthrough. While I will always love and miss my husband, I have become able to commit to an intention of healing and growth for myself and the desire to help others as well, as my journey leads on.I send my thanks and deep respect to my fellow Griefers and my limitless gratitude and love to Julie for her compassion, example and inspiration.
~~ Sally
A Shamanic GriefWork Group
Julie Lange holds a copy of her book in the Lodge at Schooley's Mountain Park in Washington Township.(Karen Fucito / Special to the Daily
Life Between Falls: A Travelogue Through Grief and the Unexpected,
available through
"When there is a grief ritual in my village, it happens in nature, in the open air, not in a church or in some clean, well-lit building. Grieving takes place among the trees, because grief is exactly the sort of thing that the trees will echo and the earth will absorb most naturally. The expression of grief in the presence of nature brings not only healing, but in the end a much stronger connection with nature and the spirits in nature that witness us."
by Malidoma Some in Of Water and the Spirit
In this video Julie Lange Groth tells you about her book, Healing What Grieves You: 4 Steps to a Peaceful Heart. Watch
Healing What Grieves You
weekend retreat
May 20, 21, Nanuet, NY
Info and registration
This retreat will help you identify where you may be carrying grief and work with it on a spiritual level to bring peace and healing in all areas of your life.